As in Stevie Y.

There is no "y" in the nickname Stevie. It is indeed an "ie" and always has been. Very few results pop up when the other spelling is typed in and even Google tries to correct Stevey (it pains me to even write that) back to the correct spelling of Stevie.
In fact, it seems the only people that misspell the forever Captain's nickname are: Social Media Types that can't take a hint, Blackhawk fans that use the misspelling as an insult, Flames fans who think they've got the scoop on what Yzerman is up to these days, and misguided people on the Hall of Fame message boards.
Now that we've established that Stevie is always sans "y", Let's spell it.
All together now!

If you correctly spelled Stevie, You get a gold star! Yay for you!

If you continued to misspell Stevie, write 100 times on the chalkboard "There is no Y in Stevie" until you get it into your brain.

Until next time, This has been spelling with JennHo.
http://twitter.com/#!/DetroitRedWings/status/77375532978814977 Seriously. For being sooooo media savvy, why does he fail to grasp the enormity of this error. Now it almost seems like this is being done on purpose.