Christina. Or @franzenmuth.
Favorite team?
Aside from the Red Wings (naturally), I'd have to go with the Washington Capitals.
Who is the most underrated player?
There's so many guys I could name. Looking at it from the entire NHL perspective (aka how much they get mentioned), I'd have to go with Valtteri Filppula. I know a TON of Wings fans have noticed him a lot more lately because he's like a mini version of Zetterberg at times, but no one really mentions him outside of the Wings.

Who is the most overrated player?
I'll be off-the-wall by not saying Sidney Crosby and instead say Roberto Luongo! He's the next savior, eh? How many Cups does he have? Uh huh. You can get back to me on that one. Also, he's like Crosby in that he dives a lot more than a goalie should.
What is your favorite jersey (regardless of if you own it or not)?
That would have to be my signed Filppula jersey. He's my boy; I've been a fan of his since he cracked the roster, well before everyone else noticed that he's kind of really awesome at times.
What is the most important piece of hockey memorabilia you own?
It's a tie between my "Feed the Mule" shirt I bought the day he signed his 11-year contract, and the Ted Lindsay book I got for Christmas - my friend had him do a personalized autograph on it. It's fantastic.
What’s one rule you’d like to get rid of and why?
Non-reviewable calls on goaltender interference disallowing a goal. How many times has that screwed us over?
What one rule would you add in it’s place and why?
I would just make it reviewable so that us Wings fans don't have to pull out our tin foil hats all the time.

Who’s creepier- Ovie or Crosby and why?
Ovie. I don't want his disembodied head suddenly appearing in my backpack one day during class, saying something in his Russian accent like, "Nobody ever learn perfect slap shot in math class! Go to practice!" and have me freak out in the middle of a lecture. (except that I do like Ovechkin)
Which team has the best logo?
Who is your favorite all-time player?
Nicklas Lidstrom. I still sometimes just focus on him for shifts at a time, marveling at how he seems to know exactly where to be, exactly what to do, and at the exact time he needs to be there/do whatever. And a classy guy, too. Also, when it's a two-on-one and Lidstrom's the one back and the crowd is getting all excited because it's a two-on-one, I like to be able to yell, "It's Nicklas Lidstrom! He's got it under control! You're not going to score, people!"
Who is your favorite player now?
It's a three-way tie: Valtteri Filppula (because he's my boy), Johan Franzen (because I made up Franzenmuth and actually showed him the photoshopped picture and had him sign it), and Chris Osgood (because he's freaking adorable. And also he's a damn good goalie and I will kill you if you say otherwise. Or just burst into tears and complain that no one takes him cereal...er...seriously.)
What team do you love to hate?
What player do you love to hate?
Crosby. Just because it's so easy.
What are your thoughts on Puck Bunnies?
Get rid of them, please. As amusing as they can be at times, they are annoying as hell.

What player do you like that’s not on your chosen favorite team?
I like Niklas Backstrom, the goalie for Minnesota. IDK why, I just do.
What team surprises you the most this year? New Jersey. I had them winning the conference! And look at what they did up until the All-Star break - they sucked! Then they suddenly won nine in a row and are trying for a playoff spot (though I think at this point, it's a lost cause).
What is your favorite hockey memory?
I have three of them...okay four.
1. Winning the Cup in 2002, just because I was in Walt Disney World for the Cup-winning game and my entire family made friends with the boat driver because his wife was from Detroit.
2. A game against Columbus in 2006 that went to a shootout (when it shouldn't have in the first place) - Steve Yzerman standing at center ice, waiting for his turn in the shootout...I've never heard The Joe louder.
3. Meeting my first Red Wings player - I had the chance to attend the Detroit Economic Club luncheon three years ago. My table just happened to have a player sit with us and mind you, I had never met a Wings player in person before. So I watch the whole team file in and one finally comes up to my table, holds out his hand, and says, "Hi. I'm Brett Lebda. I'll be having lunch with you today!" Shenanigans ensued. ...Mostly him swearing, cursing Chelios for stealing the Cup from him a day early, and picking on Cleary and Ericsson, who were both sitting close by.
4. This is a two-way tie between being at the home-opener this season and seeing Datsyuk fight Corey Perry and being at the game against Calgary earlier this season with Zetterberg's buzzerbeater goal and Lidstrom's overtime awesomeness.

Which team has the worst jersey (third jerseys included)?That disgusting mustard yellow third jersey that Nashville sometimes wears.
Of the floundering teams which team should pack up and move to a new market? Do you think the NHL will ever let that happen? PHOENIX. PHOENIX PHOENIX PHOENIX. GET THAT SHIT OUT OF THERE AND MOVE IT BACK TO WINNIPEG. The NHL would be wise to let it happen, unless they want to keep it in a failing economy.
Do you follow other sports besides hockey or are you a one-sport fan? I vaguely follow baseball. Other than that, I'm just hockey.
What player from all the other teams that would you love to have on your team? Nicklas Backstrom!
Do you believe that a fan can cheer for more than one team and still call themselves the biggest (insert team name here) fan? Yeah. When you're invested in a sport like this where every intense fan expects you to know your shit, I think you're allowed to have other teams you cheer for; it gives you more knowledge and broadens your views on other teams so you're not just a homer fan.
Keep it or Get rid it

Ticket Stubs: KEEP. I have all of mine, except for the one Washington Capitals game because we had to give it to the waitress to get our ten free wings.
An email from Colin Campbell: Keep to (most likely) blackmail him later.
Swedish Style Tailoring: Keep. (Hey, why not?)
Stephan Walkom: Eh, keep, but there's other refs I'd rather have back.
Matt Cooke: Elbow him off a cliff with lots of jagged rocks, hitting him with their jags while he plummets down below.
Touch up Icing: Don't even try. Just have players be more conscious of what the hell they're doing.
Shoot out: Boo.
Colin Campbell: BOOOOOO.
Tickets to an Oilers game: Keep.
Puck from a losing effort: Keep.
Puck Bunnies: Toss off a cliff. Hey, they might dive after Cooke, who knows!
Wooden Sticks: Keep, but only for the older, more dignified players.
Sean Avery’s sloppy seconds: Get rid of it.
A signed Sidney Crosby picture just for you: Keep, but only to sell it on eBay later and hope it gives me money toward a game-used jersey. Or hockey tickets.
Darren McCarty on Twitter: Keep! DMac!!
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